Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience in Emerging Markets

In this Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience in Emerging Markets  initiative, we are seeking partners who can utilize AI to enhance the resilience and sustainability of agriculture and food production, increase access to finance, and address climate change in emerging markets. Our focus is on finding solutions that can benefit low-income, underserved populations, as well as those who are vulnerable to climate impacts in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and Latin America.

Themes for the Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience in Emerging Markets

We will be selecting applications that align with our Resilient Futures Thesis and intersect AI with the following themes:

1. Agriculture and Food Production: We are interested in solutions that can help feed the world without causing harm to the environment. Can AI be used to improve soil diagnostics, scale regenerative agriculture, or optimize supply chains to reduce waste? We are particularly interested in AI-based solutions that can assist smallholder farmers in emerging countries to improve their yields, protect the environment, adopt sustainable practices, and minimize waste.

2. Financial Inclusion for Farmers: We are looking for innovative financial solutions in the food and agriculture sector that can facilitate financing for climate resilience. How can AI be leveraged to increase access to finance for smallholder farmers? We are interested in ideas that can unlock finance opportunities for climate resilience.

3. Climate Tech: AI can play a crucial role in addressing various challenges related to strengthening climate resilience. For instance, how can AI contribute to the protection of forests, land, oceans, and glaciers? How can it enhance the utilization of renewable energy for productive purposes? We welcome ideas that utilize AI to enhance the climate resilience of smallholder farmers, indigenous communities, and low-income communities.

Selected pilot partners will receive equity-free grants of up to $100,000 each. In addition to financial support, MCV will provide mentorship, impact measurement advisory, access to partnership opportunities, knowledge exchange, and brand exposure.

APPLICATION PROCESS DETAILS – Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience in Emerging Markets

  1. Visit the application portalhere
  2. Expect to spend 2-4 hours completing this form
  3. Ensure the form is filled out in English
  4. Applications are reviewed continuously, so the sooner you apply, the sooner you’ll receive a response
  5. It’s advisable to draft your answers in a separate file to prevent losing lengthy responses
  6. Regularly check your spam folder for messages regarding your application status
  7. Upon submission, you’ll receive a copy of your application to the provided email address
  8. For inquiries, consult the FAQ (link provided). For further questions, attend our webinar
  9. The deadline for applications is July 21, 2024. No late submissions will be considered.

Resources: Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilience in Emerging Markets

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