Apply now for R3 of the 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation ($100 Million Grant)

An opportunity to secure a $100 million grant from the 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation for a singular project that offers tangible and quantifiable advancements in addressing a pressing issue of our era.

Strategy – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

Certain challenges are beyond the reach of traditional foundation grants. By providing funding at a much higher level, we can tackle issues on a larger scale with more comprehensive solutions. A sum as substantial as $100 million allows us to make a meaningful and long-lasting impact on a serious problem. Our goal with 100&Change is to spark discussions on innovative solutions for some of society’s most pressing issues.

The 100&Change initiative differs from the Foundation‘s Big Bets, which focus on transformative changes in specific areas chosen by the Foundation’s leadership. In contrast, 100&Change remains neutral regarding the field or type of issue being addressed.

We are looking for proposals that clearly define a problem and offer a viable solution. Competitive proposals will tackle significant issues with solutions that are effective, evidence-based, feasible, sustainable, and equitable.

Selection Process – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

  1. We have developed a selection process that is equitable, inclusive, and transparent. After the application period ends, Lever for Change Staff will assess each 100&Change submission to ensure it complies with the requirements and regulations before moving on to the next phase.
  2. During the participatory review process, applicants in the same field will evaluate and provide feedback on each other’s proposals using our established criteria.
  3. Our Wise Head Panel of external judges will then evaluate and score submissions using the same criteria and scoring rubric.
  4. MacArthur’s Board of Directors will then choose up to five finalists. In the following months, the finalists will collaborate with an expert team to enhance their proposals, present a preliminary plan for monitoring and evaluation and learning, and demonstrate genuine engagement with communities of interest before submitting revised project plans.
  5. The final award recipient will be selected by MacArthur’s Board.

Evaluation for Learning – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

  1. MacArthur engaged Abt Associates to carry out an assessment of the application and selection procedures of the first 100&Change competition. The assessment aimed to pinpoint successful aspects that should be maintained for upcoming rounds of the competition, as well as areas that could be enhanced.
  2. The data collection process involved conducting interviews and focus groups with various stakeholders of the 100&Change initiative to gain insight into their individual experiences and viewpoints. Access the initial 100&Change learning and evaluation report.

Timeline – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

Proposals Due
September 2024

Administrative & Participatory Review
September – October 2024

Wise Head Review
October – November 2024

Finalists Selected
January – March 2025

Finalists Announced
Spring 2025

Project Development
Summer – Fall 2025

Award Recipient Announced
Winter 2025

ELIGIBILITY – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

  1. Any organization or legal entity, except for government agencies, can apply.
  2. Multiple organizations may collaborate on a single application.

HOW TO APPLY – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

Solving society’s biggest problems is not easy, but we believe solutions are possible. 100&Change is our global competition for a proposal that promises real and measurable progress toward solving a critical social challenge. We will award a single $100 million grant to help make that solution a reality. We are open to organizations working in any field, anywhere in the world. Are you ready to solve a problem?

Step 1: Is Your Organization a Good Fit?

We created an organizational readiness tool to help you determine whether your organization is ready for 100&Change. This tool was designed to help you understand characteristics of the most competitive organizations and proposals. We encourage you to use this tool to consider how well-suited your organization(s) and/or proposal are for 100&Change.

Step 2: Registration

After assessing your fit through the Organizational Readiness Tool, you must register your organization by Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time.

Step 3: Propose a Problem and its Solution

Once you’ve registered for 100&Change, complete and submit your application by Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time. Describe an urgent, significant problem and propose a bold and lasting solution. Your idea can come from any field or sector, but the solution must be impactful, evidence-based, feasible, durable, and just.

Scoring Process – 100&Change Competition by MacArthur Foundation

Every valid application receives scores and comments from peer reviewers and five members of our Wise Head Panel. Scores are normalized to ensure a level playing field for everyone. Please review carefully trait scoring rubric that peer reviewers and the Wise Head Panel will use to score your valid application.


Does the proposal describe an urgent problem worth solving, and will the solution have a transformative impact? Is the proposal sufficiently ambitious either in its progress toward a solution; the size and number of communities served; the size of the geography served; or intensity of impact on a smallbut vulnerable population or geography?


Does the proposal present evidence that the solution or its critical components have previously yielded practical and concrete results? Does the evidence suggest that the solution can be adapted to other contexts, such as expanding to new populations or geographies or to reach a greater number of people over time, and still retain its effectiveness?


Does the team have the skills, capacity, relationships, and experience to deliver its proposal? Do the budget and plans represent a realistic understanding for successful implementation? Does the mitigation plan address changes in key personnel and political, market, or social environments? Is community input incorporated throughout the design, implementation, and evaluation?


Will the solution have a sustained impact? Does the solution either expect to solve a problem in five years or create a pathway to solving the problem over time? Will the project elicit support from other sources–private, philanthropic, or public? Has the team advanced a clear, cogent, and compelling vision for the future?


Has the team demonstrated a commitment to equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the ideation and design of the solution and in its staffing and operations? Will the solution benefit different populations equitably – particularly historically marginalized people or populations with the greatest needs, both human and nonhuman?

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