Apply for WIN Leadership Accelerator Programme for women Journalists & Editors from sub-Saharan Africa

WIN Leadership Accelerator is a dynamic and comprehensive career and leadership program designed specifically for journalists and editors in Africa, the Arab Region, and Southeast Asia. With a duration of nine months, this intensive program aims to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.jour

Every year, we accept a select group of 100-150 applicants who meet our eligibility criteria. Women media professionals from countries such as Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (WIN Africa) are encouraged to apply. Similarly, women from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine (WIN Arab Region), as well as Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia (Southeast Asia), are also eligible to join.

At WIN Leadership Accelerator, we believe in a holistic approach to leadership development. Our program combines coaching, training, mentoring, and networking opportunities to empower journalists and editors to enhance their skills and transform their careers.

To be eligible for the program, participants should be mid to senior level editors and journalists in WIN’s intervention markets. They should have a minimum of two to three years of experience in managing people or processes within the media sector, including print or digital newspapers, radio, and, in some cases, broadcast.

By participating in the WIN Leadership Accelerator, successful applicants can benefit from a range of opportunities. These include one-on-one coaching sessions to create a personalized career roadmap for the next three to five years. Our certified coaches will guide participants in developing a career management plan and provide ongoing support and guidance.

Additionally, participants will have access to certified media management training delivered by regional and global experts. This training covers various aspects of newsroom management, financial management, operationalizing digital strategies, and understanding the business of news. The training is delivered through a combination of in-person sessions and e-learning platforms.

Furthermore, we offer gender balance in content training to help participants and their organizations achieve more balanced and representative content. This training exposes participants to tools and tactics that promote diversity and inclusivity in media content.

At WIN Leadership Accelerator, we are committed to empowering journalists and editors to become effective leaders and catalysts for change. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock your full potential in the media industry.

Discover the resources and techniques to safeguard yourself and your colleagues from sexual harassment in the newsroom and during fieldwork. Our training program is here to support you every step of the way.

Join our Leadership Hubs, where you can connect with like-minded professionals and gain valuable insights on personal and career management strategies. These gatherings, whether in-person or virtual, will help you build a strong professional network.

Apply now for the WIN Leadership Accelerator Application – Africa – 2024. This program is designed to empower women in the news industry and provide them with the necessary skills and support to excel in their careers. For more information, visit the official webpage of the Women in News Leadership Accelerator Programme 2024.

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