Apply for the World Cinema Fund Africa 2024 (€40,000 in funding)

In 2016, the World Cinema Fund, in collaboration with the German Federal Foreign Office, introduced a special funding opportunity specifically for projects originating from sub-Saharan Africa. It is worth noting that all submissions to the World Cinema Fund that involve projects from sub-Saharan Africa will automatically be considered for this special funding through the WCF Africa program.

The submission deadlines and guidelines for production funding set by the World Cinema Fund still apply to these projects. Therefore, the usual form for WCF production funding should be utilized for the submission process. It is important to mention that the funding for these projects is provided by the German Federal Foreign Office.

It is crucial to understand that only projects in the post-production phase are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. Post-production refers to the stage where the majority of the shooting has been completed, and at least a rough-cut version of the film is available, which should be included as part of the submission. Additionally, it is important to note that only films that can realistically be completed by October 2024 are eligible to apply for this funding.


Now, let’s discuss who is eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. The following entities are eligible:

1. Film production companies from sub-Saharan Africa regions that can provide confirmation of their collaboration with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region/country.

2. Registered film production companies based in Germany (registered in the commercial register or as a registered trade) that can demonstrate a working relationship with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region/country.

3. Registered film production companies from other EU member states, provided they have a branch or place of business in Germany and can prove a working relationship with a director from a sub-Saharan Africa region. Please ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for this funding opportunity.

German Partner

The German partner’s role within the WCF is crucial in supporting films in the WCF regions/countries. The WCF aims to foster collaborations between producers and directors from these regions and German partners. German film companies hold significant cultural-political and economic importance within the structure of the WCF.

Initially, a producer from a WCF region/country can submit a project without a German partner. However, once a project is recommended for funding by the WCF jury, a German partner becomes necessary. The WCF acts as a facilitator in connecting foreign producers with suitable German companies, assisting in finding an appropriate partner. Once a collaboration is established, the WCF’s funding recommendation can be transformed into a funding contract between the WCF and the German partner.

The German partner assumes the responsibility of signing the funding agreement with the WCF and becomes the direct recipient of the WCF support. They are also held accountable by the WCF for the project’s progress. During the final accounting, the German partner must provide an auditor’s report/certificate confirming that the WCF funding amount (minus a maximum of 7.5 percent for possible overheads) has been entirely utilized for the film’s production in a WCF region/country.

Key Facts:
– The maximum funding available for post-production funding is 40,000 Euros.
– The supported projects should have total production costs ranging from 200,000 Euros to 1,400,000 Euros.
– The funding must be used specifically for the post-production of the film in the mentioned regions.
– The German partner is always the contractual partner.
– It is important to deliver the final expenditure report of funds by October 2024 at the latest.

Submission Form and Deadlines

  • There are two submission processes per year.
  • The first submission process has a deadline at the end of February or beginning of March. The jury meetings to evaluate these submissions typically take place at the end of June or beginning of July.
  • The second submission process has a deadline in July, and the jury meetings to decide on these submissions are usually held in early November.
  • To apply visit the official website
  • Application Deadline Production funding: February 28, 2024

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