Apply for the TU Delft Summer School Scholarships or Students and Teachers (Funded to Netherlands)

The TU Delft Summer School Planning and Design with Water for Sustainability is an annual event that takes place in July at the Department of Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft in the Netherlands. Located in the beautiful city of Delft, the Faculty of Architecture offers a rich historical backdrop for this educational experience.


  • To participate in the Summer School, you need to be enrolled in a higher education course. However, we also welcome recent graduates. If you have recently graduated, please explain your situation in your letter of motivation. This school is specifically designed for students who have at least 3 years of higher education in a discipline related to the built environment or urban development.
  • We warmly welcome architects, urban planners, engineers, designers, geographers, historians, sociologists, environmental engineers, and students from other areas interested in the built environment. However, it is important that you have a genuine interest in understanding urbanism.
  • Join us for an enriching and educational experience at the Summer School Planning and Design with Water for Sustainability. We look forward to welcoming you!


Since 2016, the TU Delft’s Department of Urbanism has been offering two full scholarships to students from Sub-Saharan Africa, aged between 22 and 28, who want to participate in the Summer School.

The selected students will play a crucial role as ambassadors for TU Delft, the Department of Urbanism, and the Delft Global Initiative. They will help promote our unique learning philosophy and values.

Selection Criteria

We are searching for highly motivated individuals with exceptional communication skills, leadership qualities, and the ability to work collaboratively in a group. We want students who can demonstrate their potential to make a significant contribution to the Summer School and act as knowledge multipliers at their home institutions.


This scholarship is specifically designed for young African teachers, under the age of 35, who are interested in attending the annual Summer School Planning and Design with Water. This program is organized by the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft.

Candidates must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the TU Delft Summer School Scholarships 2024:

1. Age: Candidates must be 35 years old or younger by December of the year of application.
2. Affiliation: Candidates must be affiliated with a higher education or research institution, or with a local or national government.
3. Proof of Affiliation: Candidates must be able to provide proof of affiliation, such as a signed and stamped letter confirming their affiliation to an institution or local government.
4. English Proficiency: Candidates must be able to speak fluent English.
5. Teaching Position: Candidates must have a teaching or instructor position and be able to teach the principles learned at the Summer School at their institutions of origin.
6. Areas of Expertise: Candidates must be teachers or civil servants in one of the following areas: Architecture, Urban design, Spatial planning (town, urban and regional planning), Environmental engineering, Water engineering, Urban law and management, Political sciences, Public administration, or areas closely related to planning and design of sustainable cities and communities.

The winner of the scholarship will receive the following benefits:

1. Travel: A ticket from and to their country of residence.
2. Accommodation: Accommodation during the summer school.
3. Meals and Transportation: Meals and a transportation allowance.
4. Scholarship Coverage: The scholarship covers costs up to 2000 euros. Candidates can choose to spend more or less on each item. If there is any excess spending, the candidate will be responsible for covering the remaining amount. TU Delft is not responsible for financing any expenses beyond 2000 euros.

Upon completion of the programme, candidates will receive a certificate of their participation in the Summer School.

There are two available scholarships: the Sub-Saharan Africa Planning and Design Scholarship and the Young African Teachers Scholarship.

For details visit the Official Webpage of TU Delft Summer School Scholarships 2024. Deadline: February 1st, 2024

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