Apply for the Free Press Unlimited Climate Change Fellowship Programme for Journalist from MENA region

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) is launching a program called “Core Support for Independent Media in the Southern Neighbourhood” in collaboration with the European Union from 2021 to 2026. The primary aim of this initiative is to provide comprehensive and tailored assistance to promote pluralism, independence, and resilience within the media sector in the Southern Neighbourhood, enabling it to withstand existing threats.

Climate Change Fellowship Programs

In order to enhance climate change reporting, FPU is introducing two fellowship programs for journalists in the Southern Neighbourhood. These programs will empower 20 fellows to deliver a more impactful climate narrative and enlighten their audience by presenting stories that not only highlight the issue but also offer constructive solutions.

The first fellowship program will delve into the topic of how young people are mobilizing for climate action. It will explore the creation of citizen and political movements, activism, information campaigns, and other related initiatives.

The second fellowship program will focus on climate change and innovative methods for a green economy and energy transition. It will cover areas such as recycling, renewable energies, green hydrogen, and other sustainable practices.

The two fellowships will include:

1. Comprehensive training and personalized coaching throughout the fellowship period to create a story on climate change in two different formats (article, podcast, or video) from January to March 2024.

2. Within a 10-week timeframe, successful fellows will write and publish a story related to the above topic. At the beginning of the program, fellows will receive training on the fundamentals of environmental journalism, reliable information sources, and effective journalistic approaches. Additionally, an experienced trainer/mentor will provide continuous guidance on the writing process, source selection, and story publication. Free Press Unlimited will ensure visibility for the produced material. Each fellow will also receive financial support of 500 euros.

3. Exclusive access to Free Press Unlimited’s TOTEM platform. TOTEM is an online platform designed to assist journalists and activists in utilizing digital security and privacy tools and strategies more effectively in their work.

4. Two community of practice events will take place in April 2024. During the first event, climate change experts will be invited to share their knowledge on environmental issues in the MENA region and their experiences in the field. All fellows will have the opportunity to present their story ideas. The second event will be the closing ceremony, where the top 6 stories will be recognized and awarded 1,000 euros each.


To be eligible for the Free Press Unlimited Climate Change Fellowship Programme 2024, individuals must meet the following criteria:

1. Be a journalist or have a journalism degree.
2. Operate in one of the following countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia.
3. Be willing to adhere to core journalism principles, such as being fact-based, accurate, independent, fair, impartial, and accountable.
4. Address one of the two climate change topics mentioned and have a commitment from one or more media outlets to publish their content.
5. Have the technical skills and experience in podcast or video production.
6. Provide proof of commitment from one or more media outlets to publish their content in either article and podcast or article and video formats.

Applicant Commitments: Successful applicants will be expected to:

1. Produce and publish a story on two different formats (article, podcast, video) on one of the above topics before March 31, 2024.
2. Actively participate in group, peers-to-peer, and individual coaching sessions between January 15, 2024, and March 31, 2024.
3. Be strongly involved in two events in April 2024 (exact date to be determined).


Here is the timeline for the Free Press Unlimited Climate Change Fellowship Programme 2024:

  • – Until December 17, 2023: You can ask questions, but no questions will be answered after this date.
    – December 24, 2023: Application deadline.
    – First two weeks of January 2024: Fellowships will be announced.
    – January 15, 2024, until March 31, 2024: Training, coaching, writing, and publishing the two stories.
    – April 2024: Participation in the two events mentioned above.

To apply, please submit your application before December 24, 2023, to [email protected]. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through the same email. For details visit the website of the Free Press Unlimited Climate Change Fellowship Programme 2024. Deadline:  24 December 2023 

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