Apply for the 2024 ECOPRIZE SOLUTIONS CHALLENGE: Recognizing Youth-Led Sustainable Innovations

The ECOPRIZE SOLUTIONS CHALLENGE is a key component of the Digital and Sustainability Experience, the largest youth-led conference in Africa focusing on sustainability and digital transformation.

The ECOPRIZE is designed to acknowledge sustainable innovations led by young people and offer avenues to showcase the inventive ideas they have for sustainability and digital transformation.

Requirements: ECOPRIZE SOLUTIONS CHALLENGE: Recognizing Youth-Led Sustainable Innovations

– Open to individuals or teams aged between 18 – 30.
– If applying as a team, the group must consist of no more than 5 members, and only one member should complete the application form.
– Submit a 1-minute pitch video and a summary of your innovation.
– Provide a detailed explanation of your innovation, emphasizing the anticipated impact, innovative aspects, and how it contributes to sustainability and/or digital transformation.

Note: You may upload your video as a private video on Youtube or Google Drive. Ensure to adjust the sharing settings to permit anyone with the link to access the video.

Application: ECOPRIZE SOLUTIONS CHALLENGE: Recognizing Youth-Led Sustainable Innovations

  1. To apply visit the official application portal
  2. Deadline May 26, 2024

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