APPLY: CatchLight Global Fellowship for Creative Leaders in Visual Storytelling ($30,000)

1. The CatchLight Global Fellowship recognizes visual storytellers who have the potential to create social change through their photography, videography, or leadership skills. By utilizing the power of visuals, these storytellers can engage audiences and develop innovative distribution models that have a significant impact.

2. The CatchLight Global FellowshipCatchLight Global Fellowship is committed to sharing knowledge and processes with the wider community. Fellows are expected to share their insights and outcomes through various reporting mechanisms, including public presentations, interviews with key stakeholders, and visual documentation and data collection.

3. To be eligible for the CatchLight Global Fellowship, you must be a long-form storyteller with a specific impact project, a leader with plans to advance the field, or an educator with innovative approaches to supporting upcoming storytellers.

4. Proposals for the CatchLight Global Fellowship will be evaluated based on their ability to employ and strengthen new methods and potential solutions, with a focus on achieving one or more of the target outcomes.

  • Innovative Distribution:
  • Community Activations:
  • Field sustainability:


  • $30,000 award
  • Potential access to additional future funding through the CatchLight Impact Fund
  • Tavel and accommodations expenses covered for the 2024 CatchLight Visual Storytelling Summit
  • Personal development and executive coaching
  • Impact strategy and networking support from CatchLight and Catchlight network
  • Like-minded Fellows and industry professionals

Application Procedure

  • Statement on how visuals and your work ignite social change. 100 words
  • Statement summarizing what and why on what you would like to do. 100 words
  • A short escription of your proposed work. 250 words.
  • Description of distribution abd engagement and/or impact plan identifying targets for this work. 250 words.
  • A plan for impact feedback. 100 words
  • Timeline for the work beyond grant period.
  • Budget estimate for the proposed work.
  • Three ideas for shared learning with CatchLight community
  • 10-20 quality photos which CatchLight can use in promotional materials.
  • Three professional references with email and phone number.
  • Short bio of yourself
  • Copy of your Resume

For details Visit Official Website of the CatchLight Global Fellowship 2024

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