Applications open for Women for Zero Hunger program (€10,000 grant)

Due to the recognition of food security as a fundamental right, Stop Hunger and Women In Africa have joined forces to establish the Women for Zero Hunger program. This program aims to support associations in Africa that are dedicated to combating hunger and food insecurity.

Launched in 2016, WIA Philanthropy is an international platform that focuses on the economic development and assistance of African women entrepreneurs. At WIA Philanthropy, we firmly believe that Pan-African women play a significant role in driving change and making a positive impact on the progress of the continent.

Stop Hunger, which was founded 25 years ago by Sodexo employees, works locally and sustainably towards a world without hunger. As a global non-profit network, Stop Hunger goes beyond providing food aid and prioritizes empowering women through leadership activities.


  • The “Women for Zero Hunger” initiative will provide support to three non-profit organizations in the following ways: visibility, mentorship, and funding.
  • These organizations will have the opportunity to inspire others, gain recognition, and increase their impact.
  • They will also receive expert advice and personalized support through mentoring.
    Additionally, each of the three selected associations will receive €10,000 in funding.
  • At the end of the mentoring program, a jury will evaluate the structures based on pre-established criteria, and one finalist will be chosen.
  • The chosen representative will be invited to the annual Stop Hunger event in Paris to receive a trophy and benefit from a crowdfunding operation during the event.



  • To be eligible for the program, non-profit organizations must have a minimum of 3 years of experience.
  • Additionally, the organization must either be African or actively operating in an African country.
  • Furthermore, the organization must work in at least one African Anglophone and/or Francophone country.
  • The selection criteria for the program include the number of beneficiaries supported by the association, the quality of the proposed solution, and the scalability of the solution.
  • It is important that the solution primarily benefits women or girls.

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