Applications open for the 9th NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge

The 9th NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge invites young entrepreneurs in the energy sector from across Africa to partner with local research institutions or industries. The goal is to create a prototype model for essential devices or equipment that can support social energy enterprises, agricultural businesses, fintech solutions, or energy management systems, utilizing local resources.

Proposals are invited across four innovation tracks for early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa, including.

  • Track 1: Powering Agribusiness/Agro-industry;
  • Track 2: Energizing Healthcare & Social Development  
  • Track 3: Clean Energy for Local Manufacturing
  • Track 4: Sustainable Energy for Solid Minerals Processing

Eligibility & How to Apply – NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge

Young professionals aged 18 to 35 from Africa are encouraged to enter the competition across any of the four innovation tracks mentioned. Applications can be submitted by teams consisting of a minimum of three members, with at least one member affiliated with a local research institution or industry. Teams may comprise individuals from various schools, institutions, companies, or countries. Both individuals and teams are permitted to submit multiple applications.

Your proposed prototype model submission must not exceed 1- side of an A4 page and should include the following:

  • Project Title Your solution (250 words)
  • Innovation Track Expected impact (50 words)
  • Short abstract  (50 words)
  • Design tools and method (50 words)
  • Problem Statement (50 words)
  • Estimated costs and timeline (50 words)

Awards and Recognition – NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge

Finalists and winners will be chosen by an independent panel of industry experts and seasoned development professionals from both public and private sectors. It is expected that at least one winner will be recognized in each track, with up to 20 shortlisted entries receiving complimentary passes to fully engage in the 2024 event. Winners will have the opportunity to:

– Obtain cash prize grants of up to USD 10,000 to implement or expand their proposed solutions;
– Present their prototype model at the 2024 Nigeria Energy Forum through a poster and a brief video;
– Engage in valuable networking with fellow young professionals and high-level decision-makers in government, international development, academia, and the private sector; and
– Participate in business development workshops and receive assistance from a dedicated start-up incubator.

Evaluation Criteria – NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge

The initial phase of submissions will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Local Content: leverage local resources, showcase the application of local expertise, and provide alternative energy solutions or efficient methods for powering sectors such as agriculture, education, healthcare, and industry. The initiatives should be substantial enough to benefit a significant number of individuals, households, or businesses.
Originality and Creativity: offer solutions that are innovative and imaginative, particularly in areas that are either underdeveloped or lack sufficient research and literature.
Commercial Viability: the proposed prototype model must be feasible and practical, moving beyond theoretical concepts. It should be cost-effective and include commercial strategies that address identifiable challenges, utilizing a specific prototype model.
Clarity: concepts should be articulated in a clear and succinct manner, accompanied by a realistic timeline for completion.

Application – NEF Africa Energy Innovation Challenge

  1. For details and to apply visit the official website
  2. Deadline is September 30,2024

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