Applications Open: Demand-side Subsidies Results-based Financing Program

The Demand-Side Subsidies Results-based Financing Programme is designed to overcome the financial barriers that prevent individuals in ultra-poor and vulnerable circumstances from accessing Off Grid Solar Products (OGS) and improved cookstoves (ICS). This initiative specifically targets those who are typically overlooked by commercial suppliers and existing public programs. The DSS RBF will focus on the lower and lowest income brackets of Malawians, as identified in the Unified Beneficiary Registry (UBR).

Technology suppliers, which include participating companies and NGOs, will be eligible for incentives for each confirmed sale of a solar home system (SHS) and/or improved cookstove (ICS) to qualifying households in the districts of Balaka, Dedza, Nkhata Bay, and Salima. These incentives will be disbursed upon the reporting and independent verification of sales. To learn more and apply, click here.

How can I apply? – Demand-side Subsidies Results-based Financing Program

The call for interested companies starts on 28 May 2024. Applications are assessed on a first-come firstserved basis until 30 September 2024 (6 months before the end of the programme).

All applications must be submitted digitally via an online form with supporting documents uploaded. The form can be accessed at the link

5. How can I get further information?
For further information, please refer to the FAQ document. With further questions, please feel free to

• Ezikiel Phiri, CUMO CEO, ([email protected]), and
• Will Coley, SHA Energy Programme Manager ([email protected]), and
• Khadija Sungeni Mussa, Programme Component Manager at EnDev ([email protected]) To learn more and apply, click here.

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