Applications open: African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship

Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship (#AIJC2024) . This opportunity is extended to investigative journalists under the age of 30 who wish to attend #AIJC2024, scheduled to take place at Wits University in Johannesburg from October 30 to November 1, 2024.

Requirements – African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship

Applicants for this fellowship must agree to create at least one piece of investigative journalism (in online, print, or broadcast format) based on materials collected during the 2024 African Investigative Journalism conference, with publication expected no later than three months following the event’s conclusion. Additionally, applicants are required to provide identification to confirm their age.

Benefits – African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship

The fellowship will cover significant travel expenses, including flights, visas, shuttles, accommodation, and meals.

Application – African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship

  1. For more details visit the Official Webpage of the African Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship.
  2. Deadline is Sept 10, 2024

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