Applications now open for the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

Applications are currently being accepted for the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab (DTH-Lab). The DTH-Lab is a global partnership of organizations dedicated to implementing the recommendations of the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030 for youth-centered digital transformations in health on a global and national scale.

In 2021, the GHFutures2030 Commission released a groundbreaking report on digital health transformations, providing a solid foundation and recommendations for the DTH-Lab to build upon. All initiatives of the DTH-Lab are the result of three years of research, collaboration, and partnership development.

The Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab will unite young individuals with policymakers, technology firms, and other stakeholders to promote change in three key areas: (1) prioritizing youth in the development of digital-first health systems; (2) enhancing value-based governance of digital health transformations; and (3) addressing digital determinants of health (DDoH).

The Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab will reach its objectives through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates cutting-edge research, empowering youth leadership, fostering policy and practice innovations, and influencing public and political priorities.

1. The upcoming cohort of Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab will:

– Become part of a well-established network of young leaders committed to promoting the recommendations and key messages of the report.
– Offer insights, highlight key concerns, and suggest solutions aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of young individuals at both regional and local levels.
– Assist in the collaborative design and development of research, policies, and solutions focused on youth.
– Participate in the leadership and governance framework of the DTH-Lab.
– Advocate for the inclusion of youth perspectives in external governance processes.

Champion’s Profile – Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

– Applicants for the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab must be between 18 and 30 years of age at the time of application.
– Candidates should reside in the region they intend to represent throughout the entire term.
– Proficiency in oral and written communication in English is essential, with additional knowledge of other UN languages being advantageous.
– Access to a bank account is required.

Interests – Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

– Candidates for the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab should have a strong passion for global health governance, the future of health, digital health transformations, data solidarity, and/or Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
– Alignment with foundational values of digital health governance, including democracy, solidarity, inclusion, equity, and human rights, is expected.

Experience – Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

– Applicants should be pursuing a professional career in health, STEM, international affairs, and/or governance.
– Experience or training in communications, advocacy, policy writing, and/or research is necessary.
– Leadership experience in driving change and/or innovation is required.
– Training or experience in futures thinking or foresight is considered an added advantage.

Networks – Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

– Candidates for the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab should be part of a youth network and/or have experience with youth networks at the regional and/or local level.
– Proficiency in using social media for knowledge sharing and maintaining connections with other young individuals is essential.
– A strong working knowledge of digital platforms and the ability to leverage technology for enhanced digital engagement is required.

1. Stipend

In support of the Regional Youth Champion’s efforts, the DTH-Lab will allocate a monthly stipend of 200 USD for the duration from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025. The Regional Youth Champion is expected to dedicate approximately 7 hours each month to this position. A suggested allocation of time is as follows:

1. Internal meetings – Monthly RYC gatherings and working group sessions (2 hours)
2. External meetings/partnership cultivation (2 hours)
3. Project-related tasks (2 hours)
4. Networking, promotion, and dissemination of results (1 hour)

Please note: The term for this cohort is one year, including a two-month probationary period. An assessment will be conducted after the initial two months to ensure active participation and valuable contributions to the role. The DTH-Lab retains the authority to terminate this position for any individual who does not align with the values upheld by the DTH-Lab.

Application Process – Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab

See the call for applications here

Prospective candidates are invited to submit a current CV/resume along with a brief statement of interest in the RYC position. To complete your application, please fill out the online application form. All submissions must be received by 18 August 2024 and will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

For more details  visit the Official Webpage of the Regional Youth Champions of the Digital Transformation of Health Lab (DTH-Lab) Regional Youth Champions.

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