Applications now open for the Internet Governance Forum Travel Support

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024 Internet Governance Forum Travel Support. During the IGF 2018, the United Nations Secretary-General emphasized the need for enhanced inclusivity within the IGF processes, highlighting the importance of incorporating the “weak and missing voices” into the Forum’s activities.

Additionally, there was a call for a more comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to engage experts who are not typically involved in IGF processes. The community has also advocated for greater inclusion and diversity within the spectrum of IGF participation.

In light of these considerations, a limited number of eligible candidates from developing nations will receive Internet Governance Forum Travel Support to attend the 19th annual meeting of the IGF, which will be hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh from December 15 to 19, 2024. This Internet Governance Forum Travel Support is made possible through contributions to the IGF Global South Fund by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA – Internet Governance Forum Travel Support

The Internet Governance Forum Travel Support  Call will evaluate support for individual stakeholders who meet the following criteria:

– Represent any stakeholder group;
– Hail from a Least Developed Country, Landlocked Developing Country, Small Island Developing State, or Economy in Transition;
– Actively engage in the IGF 2024 process as contributors (e.g., through intersessional and NRIs work; serving as session co-organizers, speakers, moderators, or rapporteurs);
– Exhibit an interest in activities related to Internet governance;
– Demonstrate a commitment to contributing to their community following participation in the IGF;
– Receive a recommendation from a respected member of the community.

Application Procedure: Internet Governance Forum Travel Support

Eligible candidates for the Internet Governance Forum Travel Support must submit their travel requests via the Travel Support Application e-form by September 10, 2024, at 23:59 UTC. It is the responsibility of the applicant to fulfill all travel requirements, including possessing the necessary travel documents and adhering to relevant procedures. Applicants are encouraged to frequently consult the Host Country website for any regulations pertaining to entry into Saudi Arabia.

Application – Internet Governance Forum Travel Support

  1. For details Visit the Official Webpage of the Internet Governance Forum 2024 Travel Support
  2. Deadline is September 10, 2024

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