Applications now open for the Global Fact Check Fund ($200,000 Grant)

In order to bolster fact-checking efforts globally and mitigate the adverse effects of misinformation, the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), part of the nonprofit Poynter Institute—renowned for its commitment to journalistic integrity—oversees the Global Fact Fund, which is financed by Google and YouTube.

The Global Fact Check Fund‘s objective is to enhance the operational and engagement capabilities of local and regional media entities, thereby amplifying the influence of fact-checking journalism. It provides support to organizations that are verified signatories of the IFCN Code of Principles, as well as to non-signatory partner organizations that have received endorsement from IFCN signatories.

Through its grant application process and the associated monitoring and evaluation criteria, the Fund aims to bolster the ability of fact-checkers to pursue competitive grants in an evolving media environment over the long term.

Launched in 2023, this Global Fact Check Fund three-year initiative will feature three funding rounds each year, with the same structure planned for 2024 and 2025. In total, nine rounds of grants will be allocated throughout the program’s duration. The administration of the Fund is managed by the IFCN team, guided by a steering committee composed of experts and leaders in the field of fact-checking from across the globe.

Global Fact Check Fund Grant Categories

Category 1 – BUILD

The BUILD category provides grants amounting to $25,000. This funding is suitable for both smaller fact-checking organizations and larger entities that require ongoing financial support without the need to propose a new initiative. The intention behind this support is to assist grantees in enhancing their future operational capacity.

A smaller fact-checking organization eligible for BUILD typically has been in operation for a period ranging from 1 to 5 years. Such organizations are generally not affiliated with formal Third-Party Fact-Checking Programs associated with technology platforms like Meta or TikTok. Conversely, a larger fact-checking organization applying for BUILD may have been established for over five years and may or may not be involved in a Third-Party Fact-Checking Program.

Organizations that qualify for the BUILD tier meet the following criteria:

They are looking for general support to sustain daily operations while aiming to build future capacity.
They are not proposing a specific new project or initiative.
They are seeking a grant that entails minimal monitoring and evaluation requirements.
Some BUILD grantees have sought funding for various purposes, including:

Enhancing website development, domain hosting, content management systems, and publishing tools.
Providing financial support for the salaries of current staff members.
Acquiring necessary hardware or software to maintain operations.
Facilitating the establishment of a new position.
Offering professional development opportunities for existing staff.
Strengthening security measures and resilience against hacking and other potential threats.

Category 2 – GROW

The GROW category provides grants of $50,000 and is exclusively available to organizations that are signatories of the IFCN and hold either “Active” or “In Renewal” status at the time of application. This category is suitable for fact-checking organizations of various sizes that consistently publish content, maintain sustainable daily operations, and seek to implement a new initiative or program with a strong emphasis on monitoring and evaluating their programmatic outcomes.

Several GROW grantees have sought funding for the following objectives:

– Increasing personnel
– Developing or enhancing programs aimed at improving content visibility
– Conducting staff training
– Initiating fundraising efforts
– Diversifying sources of revenue
– Expanding data analytics capabilities
– Fostering partnerships and collaborations to enhance and broaden resources.

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Category 2 – RNGAGE

The ENGAGE category provides grants amounting to $100,000 and is exclusively available to IFCN signatory organizations that hold the status of “Active” or “In Renewal” at the time of application. This funding is suitable for fact-checking organizations of any scale that publish on a regular basis, maintain sustainability in their daily operations, and seek to establish revenue streams independent of third-party fact-checking initiatives. The organization must be prepared to propose a specific project or significant expansion accompanied by a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan. This plan will facilitate the sharing of insights with the wider fact-checking community, enabling the potential replication of its program by other signatories.

Several ENGAGE grantees have sought funding for various objectives, including:

– Increasing staff to enhance or develop programs aimed at improving content visibility
– Providing advanced training for staff
– Facilitating collaboration across different technology platforms
– Investigating new target markets through audience research, metrics, and analytics
– Expanding digital media initiatives
– Implementing community engagement projects
– Innovating and experimenting with the development of fact-checking tools.


The GROW 2024 fund, totaling $1,000,000, will allocate $50,000 to each of the up to 20 selected organizations, distributed in two equal installments. Organizations may submit an unlimited number of applications across all categories (BUILD, GROW, and ENGAGE). However, each primary applicant is restricted to receiving one award per year, and the same applies to secondary applicants. The GROW 2024 opportunity is available to IFCN signatories classified as “Active” or “In Renewal” at the time of application submission.

To qualify for funding in the 2024 BUILD, GROW, or ENGAGE categories, applicants must not currently hold an open Global Fact Check Fund (GFCF) grant. Eligibility requires that the applicant has successfully completed and closed any prior GFCF grant, which includes: concluding all activities as outlined in the approved application, fulfilling the grant performance period, including any no-cost extensions, submitting a final report, and receiving approval for the final grant payment.

Should the GROW 2024 category not fully utilize the available funds through the standard award process, the Steering Committee will oversee the redistribution of any remaining funds. The performance period for the proposed GROW 2024 activities is set at 12 months. Award decisions will be determined by a selection committee composed of media professionals with a range of skills, experiences, perspectives, and expertise.

Resources – Global Fact Check Fund

  • Questions? A Q&A about GROW 2024 was held July 30; a replay is available here. The session’s PowerPoint presentation is available here.
  • A guide for how to apply for GFCF grants is available here
  • A 60-minute webinar titled, “Applying to the IFCN’s Global Fact Check Fund grant program: What’s in a strong application?” was hosted on Zoom on May 8, 2024. A replay of the session is available here and a copy of the PowerPoint is available here.

Application – Global Fact Check Fund

  1. GROW 2024 opportunity now open (July 26, 2024 – Sept. 3, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EDT)
  2. Visit this page for announcements for all 2024 rounds or sign up for the IFCN public listserv.
  3. All grant opportunities require application registration in the official Global Fact Check Fund at

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