Applications now open for the D-Prize Challenge $20,000 to entrepreneurs

Applications are currently open for the 2025 D-Prize Challenge. The D-Prize provides startup grants of up to $20,000 to entrepreneurs who are establishing new organizations. We recognize the necessity for more social impact organizations globally and support for-profit ventures, NGOs, and charities. Our focus is on assisting organizations in any low- or middle-income country where extreme poverty persists.

D-Prize Challenges

Expand the categories below to discover high-impact products and services that require enhanced global distribution.

Public Services

Eligibility Requirements – D-Prize Challenge $20,000 to entrepreneurs

D-Prize is intended for new organizations. The majority of our awardees are first-time entrepreneurs, many of whom have not yet launched their organizations or secured additional funding. We particularly encourage applicants from low- and middle-income countries.

Timeline: D-Prize Challenge $20,000 to entrepreneurs

The Global Competition will commence on September 2, 2024.
Early Submission Deadline: October 13, 2024, at midnight PT (Pacific Time)
Regular Submission Deadline: November 3, 2024, at midnight PT (Pacific Time)
Extension Deadline: November 24, 2024, at midnight PT (Pacific Time)

Application – D-Prize Challenge $20,000 to entrepreneurs

  1. For details visit the official webpage of the D-Prize Challenge.
  2.  Deadline is 24 November 2024

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