Applications are now open for the Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

The 2024 Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions is now accepting applications. This initiative aims to assist diverse, interdisciplinary teams in creating transformative and sustainable solutions that address development challenges aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the countries where Irish Aid operates.

Proposed solutions should exhibit a context-specific anticipated impact within one of Irish Aid’s partner nations. However, applicants are also encouraged to explore broader opportunities that may yield wider impacts and facilitate learning applicable to regional and sub-regional contexts.

Funding is available for collaborative research teams affiliated with eligible research institutions in both Ireland and partner countries. Successful teams may receive funding of up to €300,000 and will progress through several phases to refine their ideas. A grand prize of €1 million will be awarded to the team that demonstrates the greatest potential for transformative impact.

Requirements – Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

The Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions is designed to support highly motivated, interdisciplinary teams dedicated to developing transformative and sustainable solutions that address development challenges in Irish Aid’s partner countries, in line with the UN SDGs. It is anticipated that these teams will possess a diverse array of technical and non-technical skills to overcome obstacles related to challenge definition and solution implementation, and that they will embody collaborative and equitable partnerships between researchers in Ireland and the partner country.

Teams are required to possess expertise in the STEM research domain that supports the proposed solution. Additionally, it is essential to incorporate relevant knowledge or experience in complementary fields such as international development, economics, behavioral science, among others, to enhance the development, translation (including adoption), and impact of the solutions.

As part of the application process, it is necessary to identify two academic researchers, with at least one being from a pertinent STEM discipline, as integral members of the core team. Funding should be appropriately distributed to acknowledge the diverse contributions made by team members.

Phase Funding & Duration – Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

The SFI Future Innovator Prize is structured into three distinct phases: Concept, Seed, and Prize Award, as outlined below.

Funding should be designated for the Team Lead/Team Co-Lead affiliated with an eligible Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Ireland, as well as for the Partner Country Team Co-Lead located in the partner country. Detailed information regarding eligible costs and funding levels can be found in the call document.

Phase Funding (Direct) Duration (Months)
Concept €50k 6
Seed €250k 12
Prize €1M 24

Challenge Theme and Countries – Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

The Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions 2024 will support solutions that contribute to SDG 2: Zero Hunger, “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”. Applications will be considered that contribute towards one or more of the five SDG 2 outcome targets; improving access to food, ending all forms of malnutrition, enhancing agricultural productivity, sustainable food production and resilient agricultural practices, and maintaining genetic diversity of food production. Recognising the opportunities for innovation within this challenge theme, applicants are encouraged to consider where innovations could be impactful in areas including, but not limited to;  

  • Advancing sustainable, resilient, equitable and healthy food systems;
  • Strengthening the use of technology (including digital) and data in food systems transformations, with particular consideration of gender-responsive interventions;
  • Encouraging nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions that advances nutritionally rich foods and dietary diversity and that recognises the importance of genetic diversity in food production;
  • Fostering climate resilient and nature-positive production systems;
  • Harnessing the role of blue foods for sustainable, resilient, equitable and healthy food systems.

In line with the SFI Future Innovator Prize framework, solutions must be underpinned by a credible and robust pathway to impact, built on primary evidence gathered through direct engagement with stakeholders. Solutions must demonstrate context-specific expected impact in one of Irish Aid’s partner countries (see below), but applicants are also encouraged to consider broader opportunities where solutions may have wider impact and may foster learning for regional and sub-regional use.

Eligible partner countries for this SDG Challenge Call are: Cambodia; Laos; Palestine; Vietnam; ODA-eligible country on the African continent; ODA-eligible Small Island Developing State (SIDS) 

Who Can Apply – Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

The Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions is intended to support highly motivated, transdisciplinary teams committed to developing transformative, sustainable solutions that will contribute to addressing development challenges under the UN SDGs in Irish Aid’s partner countries. It is expected that teams will encompass a range of technical and non-technical skills to address barriers associated with challenge definition and solution deployment, and that they will represent collaborative and equitable partnerships between researchers in Ireland and the partner country.

Teams must include expertise in the STEM research area underpinning the proposed solution, but should also include relevant knowledge or experience in complementary areas such as, for example, international development, economics, behavioural science or others, in order to inform the development, translation (incl. adoption) and impact of solutions. As part of an application, two academic researchers (at least one from a relevant STEM discipline) must be identified as part of the core-team.  Funding should be allocated appropriately to reflect the various contributions to the team.

Applications to the prize must identify a core applicant/leadership team comprising a minimum of three or maximum of four members:  

  • Team Lead (mandatory) – to provide technical leadership and to have overall responsibility for delivery of research programme objectives. It is expected that the Team Lead has a demonstrable track record relevant to the proposed solution and must be based in a SFI eligible research body.
  • Partner Country Team Co-Lead (mandatory) – to provide technical leadership, bringing research expertise relevant to the application. The Partner Country Team Co-Lead must be based in an eligible HEI or RPO in the partner country
  • Team Co-Lead (optional) – to provide complementary leadership and expertise to that of the Team Lead. The Team Co-Lead must be based in a SFI eligible research body.
  • Societal Impact Champion (optional) - to provide non-technical leadership and support to identify and validate challenges, in addition to advising on solution development. It is envisaged that the Societal Impact Champion will come from a non-academic sector and have appropriate experience in areas relevant to the societal impact and international development focus of the application. They will play a crucial role in identifying barriers and developing strategies to overcome them. They may also play a key advocacy role and assist in maximising the societal impact of the solution. The Societal Impact Champion may come from, for example: public sector/government, non-governmental organisations, charities, patient advocacy, philanthropy or civil society. Where a Societal Impact Champion is not included at the application stage, applicant teams should indicate how they will access relevant end-users, stakeholders, etc. to inform the non-technical aspects of the project.

Applicants should refer to the call document for detailed eligibility information for each team member.

Following successful application, selected core teams will have the opportunity to build a broader challenge team. In addition, funded teams will be assigned a liaison in Irish Aid or one of their overseas missions to further inform the development and deployment of their solution, facilitate access to stakeholder networks and to provide relevant policy context.

In SFI’s External Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy 2023-2028, increasing the number of women and members of Historically Underserved Communities* in Applicant Teams are key objectives. As such, women and members of Historically Underserved Communities are strongly encouraged to apply to this programme.

Application – Irish Aid SDG Challenge for Sustainable Solutions

  1. For details Visit the Official Webpage of the  Irish Aid SDG Challenge
  2. Deadline is October 8, 2024

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