Application open for the Falling Walls Lab Lomé 2024 (sponsored trip to the global Falling Walls Lab finale in Berlin)

Which barrier will your research shatter? Present your innovative concept for the Falling Walls Lab Lomé 2024 in just 3 minutes, demonstrating a breakthrough that has a positive impact on science and society.

Presentation Guide: Falling Walls Lab Lomé 2024

  1. WHO: Students and early-career professionals from all fields
  2. WHAT: Persuade a panel of judges with your idea – in 3 minutes!
  3. WHY: Become part of the growing Falling Walls community & win a trip to the global Falling Walls Lab finale in Berlin, Germany!
  4. WHERE: Campus Université de Lomé
  5. QUERIES: [email protected] |

WHERE – Campus Université de Lomé

APPLICATIONS – Download all information here. Before you apply, familiarise yourself with the application process here. Then, submit your application via the ‘Apply’ button.

LOCAL ORGANISERS & PARTNERS – Auswärtiges Amt, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Deutsche Botschaft Lomé, Brussels Airlines, GIZ, Inros Lackner, Université de Lomé, DHL, HeidelbergCement, Université de Kara.

DEADLINE – 26 May 2024

Application: Falling Walls Lab Lomé 2024

  1. Title of Presentation: Breaking the Wall of… (45 characters max, including Breaking the Wall of & spaces)
  2. Field and subfield of Project (40 characters max, including spaces)
  3. State the problem you aim to tackle (300 characters max, including spaces)
  4. Present your solution to the problem (300 characters max, including spaces)
  5. Describe your project in 2 sentences (300 characters max, including spaces)
  6. Link to project website/video (if applicable)
  7. For Details the Official Website of the FALLING WALLS LAB LOMÉ.
  8. Deadline: May 26, 2024

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