Application is now open for Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change

Applications for the 2024 Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change are now being accepted.

The initiative’s main goal is to increase the number of African women leading climate action and to develop climate solutions that are effective for smallholder women.

AWARD’s program aims to support rural livelihoods by empowering women climate change leaders to create innovations that cater to the specific needs of smallholder farmers in African agri-food systems.

The Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change will focus on sharing knowledge about climate adaptation technologies with various stakeholders, including smallholders, extension workers, and policymakers.

Objectives of the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change

1. Enhance the leadership, mentoring, and negotiation skills of African women climate change specialists.
2. Build the capacity of African women and men climate change specialists to incorporate gender perspectives into their research and practices.
3. Increase the visibility and amplify the voices of African women climate change specialists in global and regional discussions.

Requirements for the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change

  1. The Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change is open to:
  2. – African women from Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Senegal.
  3. – African women working in various fields related to gender and climate change.
  4. – Individuals with at least an undergraduate degree in a relevant agri-food systems discipline.
  5. – Applicants must have a minimum of five years of professional experience and a demonstrated commitment to gender and climate change issues.
  6. African women in various stages of their professional journeys who are actively involved in addressing the impacts of climate change.
  7. Individuals employed in national and international institutions, government bodies, NGOs, and the private sector.
  8. Candidates must be residents of an African nation throughout the program.

Structure of the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change

  1. The Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change is a blend of virtual and face-to-face components, non-residential in nature, spanning two years and encompassing the following elements:
  2. Virtual and in-person training sessions covering leadership, negotiation, and intergenerational mentorship. Participants will also engage in a module focusing on integrating gender into climate change initiatives.
  3. Personalized and group coaching
  4. Mentorship scheme
  5. Regular peer learning gatherings
  6. Participation in routine masterclasses
  7. Development and management of collaborative climate projects centered on gender and climate adaptation, referred to as Climate Research and Innovation Projects (CRIPs).
  8. Showcasing of emerging trends in gender, climate change, and agri-food systems
  9. Arrangement of seminars and public speaking engagements
  10. Hosting of Modeling Events within the country.

Application for the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship / Climate Change

  1. For details Visit the Official Webpage of the Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action Fellowship
  2. Deadline: September 10, 2024

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