2024 Pollicy Fellowship Application now open

Pollicy’s fellowship programme is designed to provide students and young professionals with an opportunity to engage in civic tech and research initiatives. Through this programme, fellows can contribute to the field’s knowledge base by utilizing their data skills. The fellowship lasts for a period of 6 months and offers various opportunities for collaboration with civic tech innovators. Fellows will also have the chance to conduct exploratory research on topics related to data and civic tech, with the aim of improving government services. Additionally, the programme aims to enhance fellows’ capacity in using equitable data. During their time as fellows, individuals are expected to conduct final research, create multimedia products, write blog posts, develop training curricula, and organize both online and offline events. Collaboration with the Pollicy team and partners in the civic tech community is an integral part of the fellowship experience.

For the 2024 fellowship programme, Pollicy is seeking to recruit and empower five fellows who will contribute to various data initiatives. The available positions include

  • Grants and Growth (Business Development) Fellow (Remote or Kampala),
  • Communications and Development Fellow (Remote or Kampala),
  • Research Fellows (Francophone and Anglophone) based in Uganda (2 positions), and
  • Data Fellow based in Kampala.

Pollicy is committed to equal opportunity and values diversity, striving to create an inclusive environment for all employees.


  • To learn more about the specific responsibilities of each position and to apply, please refer to the relevant section in the application form provided
  • To apply visit the application form
  • The deadline is Monday, January 29, 2024

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